
Montag, 16. Dezember 2013

BMX Show with Airdit and Ben

I just came back from Düsseldorf. I've done a bmx show between a very amazing dance performance from Ardit and Ben which was one of the finalist dance act for the german TV Show "got to dance". Dance and BMX have so similar waves, so it was a very nice mix. As well the location Classic Remise at Düsseldorf with a very big collection of very special cars was great. Check out the Dance act from Ardit and Ben at semi final of "got to dance" and of course some pics.

Marina Skulditskaya @ Classic Remise 

Check out the dance performance of Airdit and Ben @ got to dance TV Show


Donnerstag, 21. November 2013

We are movin!!

kunstform?! BMX Shop is moving to a new location and that's why we do a very special offline shop up to 30% of softgoods and 20% of BMX parts.

As well we took already some new pictures of our new BMX shop.

Samstag, 2. November 2013

Custom BMX Bike Editor

Check out the kunstform?! BMX Shop Custom BMX Bike Editor and create your own dream bike!


Donnerstag, 26. September 2013

Stereo Bikes 2014 BMX Bikes out now

Yes time is running and the first delivery of the new Stereo Bikes 2014 BMX Bikes just arrive to kunstform?! BMX Shop. Flo Sailer took the time to show yout on of the best bike line for 2014 BMX Bikes and did this huge Stereo Bikes Review:

Check it :

Samstag, 21. September 2013

100PSI BMX Contest @ Dresden

Since 2 years i'm not very active at BMX competition scene anymore because i just spend a lot of time for kunstform?! BMX Shop My last experience was @ fielcontrol in portugal (a battle between Matthias Dandois and me, check clip above), so i was very happy to have the oppertunity to visit the 100 PSI Contest in Dresden. There are a lot of new talented riders exist in germany like Dustyn Alt, Kevin Nikulsky and of course my buddy John Krämer which took the 5th place at this weekend. Congratz!! My friend Marian Hofmann did a little clip about the 100PSI contest so check it out:

100 PSI Flatland Contest Dresden 2013 from Marian Hofmann on Vimeo.

As well as i promised here the clip of my last contest expierience in 2011 @ fieldcontrol:

FAC BMX Show @ EBM Papst Marathon in Niederhall

Last weekend johnny and me spend a nice sunday at Niederhall which is a very nice village next to Stuttgart and made some BMX Shows at a marthon during winning ceremony. Johnny just bought a new go Pro cam and try do some filming during the show and that's the result :

Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2013

kunstform?! BMX Shop X-Ray Advert

For our advert campagne 2013 for kunstform?! BMX Shop we decided to do something which happend never before in BMX advertising. Our main focus were to created an advert for the senentence "WE CARE ABOUT DETAILS?!" because this is acutally what we can say about our work :-) ! To get connected the sentence to an image we wanted something where you can see all little details. So fast the idea came about us to create something with X-Ray. First our graphic designer tried to do something with photoshop, but it is nearly impossibil to get an real X-Ray effect with photoshop. So we tried to find a solution because it seems to be that real X-ray of a BMX Bike will be an impossibil mission.  After a while we find out about Nick Veasey an artis from united kingdom which did very interessting X-ray art and got already galleries at famous places all over the world. We found out that Nick is the only human in this world how can do what we want. So we tried to get in contact with him and told him about our idea and he really liked it and put as well a lot of influence in it. In december 2012 we finally traveled to england and Here you can see the making of x-ray kunstform?! BMX Shop campagne 2013.


Samstag, 26. Januar 2013

kunstform?! BMX Shop X FreedomBMX

Today i found a nice presentation at the german BMX Magazin +freedombmx Magazin
of +kunstform?! BMX & Fixie Shop

Thanks to freedom BMX mag for giving us the oppertunity

Check the link: