
Freitag, 29. April 2011

TV BMX Show Lebanon (Beirut)

In autumn 2009 flo and me did some BMX shows for the a TV Show of Abu Dhabi TV in Lebanon which is called Guestemania. The first part is just a little performance at a very slipery floor and the second video is about the question : "how many water will be in the glass after 30 second of the Coboose Trick" The Guest have to guess and answer this question before. Enjoy !

Daniel Fuhrmann and Flo Sailer performing BMX shows during a tv show in Lebanon called Guestimania! Here Daniel had to hold a bottle with water while doing a trick called Generator. The goal was to loose less water as possible!

Here the second Part :

Daniel Fuhrmann and Flo Sailer performing BMX shows during a tv show in Lebanon called Guestimania!

More Infos and Video at http;//

Donnerstag, 7. April 2011

FAC It's BMX - New Website

It's done ! Checkout the Promo Video and of course the footer of the new page :-) !
Go to new FAC It's BMX Website

FAC- It's BMX organizes BMX shows, BMX events, BMX workshops, BMX advertising and individual BMX concepts.
Flo Sailer, John Kraemer, Sebastian Pospischil and Daniel Fuhrmann riding at some different spots in Stuttgart(Germany). Visit our website for more information at

Sonntag, 3. April 2011

time runs f**cking fast - John Krämer Video

I know Johny already 10 years and i remember how i meat in first time. He and his friend
ask me to show some BMX tricks. From this moment i saw in his eyes his addiction of BMX and i'm so impressed of his motivation. It doesn't matter if outside are -20 Degress or 7 o'clock in the morning Johnny is always ready to ride. I watched all the time and i rememeber how he learn every trick and i always regornized him as my student but slowly he is on the way to gonna be my idol !! Thanks for motivation and to be my friend !

Check out his edit of 2010 !