
Freitag, 29. April 2011

TV BMX Show Lebanon (Beirut)

In autumn 2009 flo and me did some BMX shows for the a TV Show of Abu Dhabi TV in Lebanon which is called Guestemania. The first part is just a little performance at a very slipery floor and the second video is about the question : "how many water will be in the glass after 30 second of the Coboose Trick" The Guest have to guess and answer this question before. Enjoy !

Daniel Fuhrmann and Flo Sailer performing BMX shows during a tv show in Lebanon called Guestimania! Here Daniel had to hold a bottle with water while doing a trick called Generator. The goal was to loose less water as possible!

Here the second Part :

Daniel Fuhrmann and Flo Sailer performing BMX shows during a tv show in Lebanon called Guestimania!

More Infos and Video at http;//

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